Back in the Swing of Things

Saturday, September 21st marked the last official day of summer. For a lot of us, summer ended when school started. I have two pre-schoolers in the house and have now built my entire weekly routine around their school schedule. After a summer of aimless days, it is an adjustment for me to be rushing the kids around and feeling like I am always late for something.
Knowing how two pre-schoolers impact my existence, I can only imagine the impact when school is full time and there is homework, sports and extracurricular stuff. Do you have any time for dinner? How do you manage when both parents work full time?
Sheila Towne, our beloved Story Time reader, is back on her school year schedule. In the summertime you can find her working on a lobster boat or camping with her kids. Now you can join her for Story Time at Royal River Books every Tuesday morning at 9:30am.
On the other end of the spectrum are the folks that lose their kids when the school year starts. Becky, one of the smiling faces at Royal River Books, was thrilled to spend the summer with her son who was home from college. When her son went back to Montreal for school, she decided not to drop back into her old routine.
Becky bought a small camper that she can pull with her truck and has headed out on a solo cross-country adventure. I am not sure of all of her destinations, but I know many of the national parks are on her itinerary as well as a vampire weekend (whatever that is). I love that she is doing this trip.
Becky will be gone for two months. We are very excited that Peter Michaelsen has joined the Royal River Books family. You will probably recognize him from the Royal Bean.
Whether you have gotten back into your normal routine this fall or whether you have decided to do something completely different, you can still enjoy a good book. Stop by to see the latest selection of new releases or browse through the shelves and see what strikes your fancy. We hope to see you soon!