Art Attack by Sea

“Mom, mom, mom! The Lighting Rock! You have to make a wish!”
“You won’t believe this. The Talking Tree over there used to be a wizard!”
“Fairy dust! Let’s go see if the fairies left a note!”
I am as enchanted as my children as I run after them along the cool, wooded path up to Art Camp at Camp Soci on Cousins Island. I pause to gaze out at the ocean shimmering in the morning sun and fill my lungs with salty air. I carry their lunches, bathing suits and towels into the art “shack” while they rush over to the fairy house tree to look for treasures.
When I enter the shack, my eyes travel to the Dahlov Ipcar books displayed along the far wall. Dahlov Ipcar has written and illustrated over 30 children’s books. She has been living and working on her farm on Georgetown Island since 1937. Her artwork is stunning.
I exit the shack and spot Ms. Kat at the picnic tables rolling out paper. There are paints, brushes, wire, rocks and sticks in various piles around her. A dozen or so children are starting to gather, watching with curiosity as she lays out materials.
I start walking back down the path to the parking area across the street at Sandy Point Beach, already forgotten by my kids. I know when I come to pick them up in the afternoon their pockets will be full of shells, rocks and sticks, their hair will smell like the ocean, they will have bright paint splotches in mysterious places, and they will be barefoot. Shoes will have been lost hours ago and nobody will mind.
Every day I am reminded of how wonderful this community is. This is a special place made up of special people.